
2023 Outlook summer interns

Meet our 2023 summer interns: Jo Wiersema, Colin Farmer and Dana Moulds.

Thanks to a grant from the D. Thomason Fund of First Presbyterian Church in Shreveport, Louisiana, Presbyterian Outlook is pleased to announce our new summer intern cohort: Jo Wiersema, Colin Farmer and Dana Moulds.

These part-time, remote interns will be working with Outlook staff from late May through the end of July. In addition to learning how a national non-profit publisher like the Outlook runs on a day-to-day basis, we hope to accompany our interns as they discern their vocational passions and talents. Each intern will work on a large-scale project through which they will gain experience in an area of interest and meet an Outlook need. Projects might include writing a feature-length print article, launching a new web column, organizing a fundraising event, creating a curriculum or reporting on a series denominational topics.

After a national search and many excellent applications, we’re excited to announce this program and our interns publicly, and we want to introduce them to you, our readers.

Jo Wiersema is a second-year Master of Divinity student at the University of Dubuque Theological Seminary. An Austin, Texas, native, Jo now lives in Madison, Wisconsin, with their husband Theodore and their three cats. When Jo is not reading and writing, you can find them talking theology as a bartender.

As an intern, Jo is excited to write for the Outlook and learn what makes people want to read an article. “What does it mean for an article to be successful and what is done to replicate that?” they write.

Colin Farmer is a sophomore at Rochester Institute of Technology studying journalism and anthropology, and he is a member of Central Presbyterian Church in Avon, New York. Outside of school, Colin enjoys playing the saxophone, creative writing and going on runs.

When asked about the internship, Colin writes, “I very much look forward to the internship and working with all of you this summer. I’m looking forward to using this opportunity to get real-world experience with writing as well as furthering my faith.”

Lastly, Dana Moulds is finishing up her dual degree (Master of Divinity and Master in Christian Education) at Union Presbyterian Seminary, Charlotte, where she will graduate in June. Her passion for ministry began from behind her salon chair, where she spent a lot of time as a licensed cosmetologist. She is the founder of an online ministry BREAKingFAST Ministries, and is on her way to becoming a chaplain and certified death doula. She is a mother of three young men and has a pup named Hiccup.

“Aside from the writing aspect, I am most looking forward to learning how the Outlook is managed behind-the-scenes: how do they plan featured segments/themes?” writes Dana of the internship.

Join us in welcoming Jo, Colin and Dana into the Outlook fold, and follow along starting late in May to see the skills that they bring to this internship!

