
The top 10 stories from GA

Here's what you need to know.

Impromptu dance party broke out on the evening of July 2. Photo by Jonathan Watson for Presbyterian Outlook.

General Assembly, the PC(USA)’s biennial meeting, ran from June 25 through July 4, with online committee work and plenaries in person in Salt Lake City, Utah. From pivotal decisions about finances and benefits to discussions on leadership and ethics, the assembly was packed with crucial moments. Dive into the Outlook’s top GA stories and catch up on the highlights you don’t want to miss!

1. #GA226 advances two-part inclusivity change to Book of Order

The Olympia overture now heads to presbyteries following GA for majority approval.

2. The story behind the stoles

Newly elected co-moderators delight the assembly with their custom, symbolic stoles.

3. Board of Pensions health care dues recommended for further exploration

General Assembly Entity Coordination presents non-consent agenda items to #GA226.

4. Major changes coming in PC(USA) special offerings after #GA226 action

The offering number was reduced from four to three and moved to cause-based instead of program-based beneficiaries.

5. #GA226 commissioners painted into a corner over fossil fuel investments

To stay at the table or walk away; that was the question.

6. #GA226 reverses course, commits to working for a fossil-free future without full divestment

On Tuesday, the assembly approved and then disapproved categorical divestment from the fossil fuel industry, choosing to engage companies instead.

7. #GA226 International Engagement Committee votes to reject Christian Zionism in the U.S.

The International Engagement Committee hears different perspectives and discerns the church’s response to Christian Zionism.

8. 226th GA elects co-moderators in single vote

Cecelia Armstrong and Tony Larson are elected and installed as co-moderators of the 226th General Assembly.

9. Committee advises against recognizing Korean church caucus over women’s mistreatment

The Korean churches in the PC(USA) comprise about 330 churches and 40,000 members, making NCKPC the second largest group after the African American or Black Caucus.

10. GA is going to the dogs. Commissioners are here for it.

Service dogs bring delegates comfort and joy at the 226th General Assembly.

Editor’s picks

If you want a full understanding of what happened at GA, and how it will impact you, you’ll also want to read these stories.

1. #GA226 elects and installs first woman of color stated clerk

Jihyun Oh is elected Stated Clerk of the General Assembly, a position vacated by J. Herbert Nelson in 2023.

2. PC(USA) investing agencies asked to sell bonds of occupying countries

Commissioners also OK’d ‘focused engagement’ with GE, Palantir over military operations.

3. ‘The children of this nation are tired of dying’

Stories of gun violence and heartbreak lead to unanimous vote for action at #GA226.

