
A back-to-school prayer for congregations

Elizabeth H. Doolin pens a call-and-response prayer for children, caregivers, teachers and all those who living through back-to-school days.

Young students stand together in a classroom, looking at the camera with funny faces. Kids excited to be back in school for a new year of childhood education. Children schooling in a diverse school.

The pitter-patter of nervous feet shuffling to classrooms:
Some in shiny new clothes, some in old ones too small;
Some with a box of 100 crayons, some with empty backpacks.
All are anxious, excited, scared and hopeful.
They yearn for friends, approval, good grades and time to play.
May all students be blessed with enough and know that they are enough.

Marking dates on the calendar, scratching supplies off the shopping list:
They hold little hands by the bus stop or wait in the carpool line;
They wave goodbye and watch their hearts scuttle through heavy doors.
Deep breaths to wade through the worries:
Will my child be safe? Will they be loved? Will they follow instructions?
May all parents find peace in you. Setting their fears aside, may they rest in the safety of your love.

Hanging fresh posters on the walls and cleaning out cubbies:
They review lesson plans and check the policy boxes,
memorizing new names and faces,
wondering who will delight and who will cause trouble.
They already feel tired, knowing the weight of the load and the weight of expectations.
May all educators be blessed with the right resources, finding nourishment and joy in their callings.

For our students, parents, caregivers, teachers, counselors, administrators and coaches – for all who feel the eagerness and anticipation of this season – may they be blessed with the gifts of your love, grace, peace and patience. May we bless our educational communities as we offer our support and service and uplift the power of learning for all. Amen.

