
Discussion guide for October 2024 issue

In each issue of the Outlook, we include a discussion guide to further reflect on the issue. We recommend using this guide in your Bible study, small group or book club. It's our invitation into a faithful conversation.

Just show up by Jim Mohr


  1. What are some of your “takeaways” from this article?
  2. How might the motto “just show up” be applied to ministry in our churches and communities?
  3. The article is focused on the ministry of a chaplain in a university setting relating to student-athletes. What are some insights from the chaplain’s ministry that are relevant to ministry in small, medium-sized, or large neighborhood churches today?
  4. What do you think the student athletes’ impressions of campus ministry might have been? What about the non-athletes?
  5. What are the motivations for “just showing up?” And, what are the responsibilities of the minister who shows up?
  6. In what ways is this example of campus ministry typical of campus ministries that you know? In what ways is it unique?


Pedaling to spiritual fitness by Rose Schrott Taylor


  1. To what extent do you identify the author’s experiences with exercise being an aspect of one’s spirituality? What experiences have you had where body, mind, and spirit were exercised together?
  2. What connections do you see between regular, strenuous exercise and living a full, faithful life of Christian discipleship?
  3. The author states that “fitness studios are in; churches are out.” How do you respond to that observation? What are some experiences or situations that you know of that reflect the reality of that statement?
  4. Based on any inspiration you have received from reading and reflecting on this article, what do you imagine might be a possibility for your church to embark on a ministry that offers resources and programs for bringing together the nurture of good health for body, mind, and spirit? 

Enchanted sports in a secular age by Scott Hagley


  1. Have you ever attended a professional sports game? If so, what are your thoughts about the author’s comments regarding the rituals of the game?
  2. Are you a “diehard” fan of a particular team? What is that fan experience like for you? To what extent do you see the fandom experience being like a religious experience?
  3. What sports do teams play in your community? What connections would you make between the thesis of the author and the place of sports in your community? Given the many key points made by the author, what aspects of his thesis are relevant to your situation? What are ways your church’s ministry might be able to minister to those who also “worship at the altar of sports?”
  4. Reread the paragraph toward the end of the article that begins, “Of course, nothing I’ve said should surprise someone familiar with Reformed theology.” What are some of your thoughts, observations, or questions about what the author has written?

What we should know about the culture of sports by Patrice Gaines


  1. How do you respond to the author’s assertion that sports, professional and college, is a microcosm of modern culture? What are some examples to affirm this point?
  2. Given the commercialism of professional and college sports, what are some responsible ways we Christian fans can view, read about, and attend sporting events involving the teams we root for?
  3. After reading this article are you more or less of a fan of your favorite team or stars? Share more what leads you to that position.
  4. The author quotes a sport’s columnist who reacted to a political statement by LeBron James, “Shut up and dribble.” What are your thoughts about sport’s stars speaking their minds regarding politics or other controversial issues?
  5. Reread the last paragraph of the article in which the author quotes the Rev. Mount Shoop speaking about what it takes to change cultures? What are some thoughts you have about what needs to be changed in American culture and the role of the Christian churches in helping facilitate such changes?

