
Prayer for Veterans Day after an election

A prayer for Veterans Day after election day.

What now and what next, God of all? Will we take down our yard signs and seek signs of your kingdom? Will we build one another up and encourage each other in your name or will we name-call and refuse to see your face reflected in our neighbors?

On this Veterans Day, we remember those for whom self was secondary to the common good, those who sacrificed and served believing in the best principles of our country even when we failed to live up to them.

In the wake of the election, in the mire of this pandemic, in the churning of so many worries, we turn to you, asking for you to help us fix our eyes on you and focus our attention on our Savior. Help us imitate Christ and take the next step in faith wherever it leads.

We live in hope, Gracious God, because we follow the crucified and resurrected Christ, whose sacrificial love wrapped all of creation in grace, mercy and compassion. We live in hope, knowing that you never abandon us. We live in hope, clinging to your promise to redeem and make whole. We live in hope, believing that you will gather us in and heal us. We live in hope because we all belong to you.

May our living in hope make evident to the world that our hope is not in vain. Amen.

