
20 years ago – “Hope in the Lord Jesus Christ”

The church had been in controversy, and the 213th General Assembly turned to the Office of Theology and Worship to help clarify where the church stood pertaining to the Lordship of Jesus Christ. The Office developed the Christological statement, “Hope in the Lord Jesus Christ” to help the church during this crisis. “Jesus is Lord!” This foundational declaration is the earliest Christian confession of faith. The Scriptures and our confessions expand the basic affirmation, providing abundant witness to the word of life revealed in Jesus Christ. “The depth of the riches and wisdom and knowledge of God” revealed in Christ far exceed the scope of this brief exposition (Romans 11:33). We cannot say all there is to be said, but there is much that we can say, clearly and confidently. … From the Nicene Creed to A Brief Statement of Faith, the church shapes its confessions by the certain knowledge of the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God and the communion of the Holy Spirit. … It is the faith expressed in creed and prayer that we invite all Presbyterians to speak and live. 

From “Hope in the Lord Jesus Christ” by the Office of Theology and Worship.

