
Jill Duffield announced as Outlook editor

Jill DuffieldThe Presbyterian Outlook’s new editor will be Jill Duffield, a pastor currently serving a church in Columbia, South Carolina, a Benedictory columnist for the Outlook since 2010 and the first woman to serve as editor in the publication’s 157-year history.

Christopher Edmonston, president of the board of the Presbyterian Outlook Foundation Inc., announced Nov. 19 that the board had elected Duffield, saying that “it was Jill’s love for writing, her varied background in publishing, and her devotion to the church” which made her stand out as a candidate. Duffield will succeed Jack Haberer, who served as the magazine’s editor for eight years and who left in October to become pastor of Vanderbilt Presbyterian Church in Naples, Florida. Duffield will begin work at the Outlook Feb. 1.

Duffield currently serves as associate pastor for discipleship and acting head of staff at Shandon Presbyterian Church in Columbia, South Carolina. She graduated as a member of Phi Beta Kappa from The University of North Carolina at Greensboro with a Bachelor of Arts in history. Her graduate studies include a Master of Divinity degree from Union Presbyterian Seminary in Richmond, a doctorate in ministry from Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary with a concentration in preaching, and studies in medieval church history at the University of Pennsylvania.

As a teaching elder, Duffield has served both large and small congregations in North and South Carolina. She has preached at Montreat Conference Center in North Carolina and served as a commissioner to the 219th General Assembly.

Duffield and her husband, Grant, have three children – Joseph, Jessie and Marissa.


Click here to read a letter from Outlook board president Christopher Edmonston.

