God of all creation, on a holiday weekend of family, festivities, shopping and decorating, our tendency to forget the wider world of your care comes all too easily. Forgive us. We recognize that as vast as the universe is to us, you cradle every corner, every person, every grain of sand and every hair on each head in the palm of your hand.
We grieve with your beloved children in Egypt brutalized by violence as they gathered for worship. We ask your comfort for those who have experienced horror and death in a sacred space of peace and prayer. Help us, Lord of all, to remember that we our bound to one another, all made in your image, connected and called to love as you love us.
Bring overwhelming healing where rivers of hurt have spilled their banks. Bring reconciliation to the whole human family so that crying and death will be no more. Embrace the people of Egypt with your compassion and help us to enfold them with ours. Through Jesus Christ we make our prayer. Amen.
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