
Prayer for Sutherland Springs, Texas

How long, O, Lord? How long will we keep killing each other? How long until sanctuaries are truly sanctuaries? How long until shootings stop and peace prevails? God of grace, as we rend our hearts in grief, dismay and despair, hear our cries, comfort those who mourn, galvanize us to do whatever needs to be done to bring healing, reconciliation and a loving way of life together.

Our groans mingle with those of our brothers and sisters in Sutherland Springs. We hurt with the part of the body devastated in south Texas. We reel with the reality that those who went to worship this morning were met with violence. As the congregation of First Baptist and the people of Sutherland Springs huddle in prayer, may they know that whole communion of the saints embraces them and will not leave them alone in the days, the months, the years ahead.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayers.


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