
Christmas prayer: “Make us eager…”

"Make us as eager as the shepherds to leave our familiar fields to go and see the One who has come to save the world," writes Jill Duffield.

God of star and stable, we wonder at your creation, the vastness of the universe, our small place in history and time, and yet your concern for every creature and every corner. As we look up and see the heavenly host and hear their chorus of good news of great joy for all people, we join with the angels singing praises at the birth of the Messiah. Make us as eager as the shepherds to leave our familiar fields to go and see the One who has come to save the world. May we not only bow down and worship, but get up and go tell. Emmanuel, God with us, transform us into a royal priesthood, ready to show others that God is with and for them, too. We rejoice, give thanks and marvel at the gift of Jesus Christ, the One who has come to redeem the world. We ponder in our hearts all that he is and who we are in light of his incarnation. We prepare to follow where he leads, from star to stable, cross to grave, empty tomb to Galilee and the ends of the earth. Amen.

