In the beginning you spoke, Creator and creative God. You summoned light and order, called forth a multitude of life, looked upon all that you had made and called it good, very good. You created humanity in your image, made us little less than gods, the psalmist says. The myriad of shapes and sizes, colors and gifts, unique combinations of genes, knit together in their mother’s womb, each one with their days written in your book. A multitude of bones and sinews filled with the breath of life, every hair counted, every word on their tongues known, all yours, each beloved, none forgotten or forsaken.
How is it then, Lord, that we diminish, demean and condemn the very ones made in your image? How dare we exploit or dismiss the very ones for whom Christ died and for whom Christ prays? How can we label, abuse or devalue your children, our brothers and sisters? Why do we imagine that there are people or places bereft of the marks of your shaping and touch, when you are the potter and we are the clay?
Forgive our obscured and sinful vision, Merciful God. Remove the logs from our eyes so that we can see with the eyes of Christ. Help us to recognize and give thanks and praise for the beauty of each person, each place, each creature, stamped from the beginning with the mark of their Creator and called good. Very good. Amen.
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