
Prayer for Thanksgiving

God whose giving knows no bounds, your Word teaches us to give thanks in all circumstances. Today we take that instruction to heart in hopes that in so doing we will more readily express our gratitude every day. No matter where we find ourselves – around a table with family, in a shelter seated with strangers, at work when others are at rest, alone and content, or lonely despite the crowd – we stop to acknowledge the blessings of this life in the myriad of forms they take.

We thank you, Lord of all, for the beauty of the earth and all the resources we enjoy from creation. Make us careful and humble stewards of the planet we too often neglect and abuse.

We thank you, God of mercy, for the abundance of forgiveness extended to us by you and others. Help us to forgive as we have been forgiven, trusting of the unity won for us in Christ.

We thank you, Holy Comforter, for the hope of faith that calls us forward. Show us the promised, good future you have for us and grant us the courage to stay on the way when we are afraid and uncertain.

We thank you, Triune God, for the gift of community in whatever way it comes to us: by blood or choice, intention or accident, large or small, next door or around the globe. Reveal to us the people you call us to love and be loved by, all of us flawed, beautiful and redeemed through grace.

We thank you, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, in all circumstances, for all blessings wrestled and unexpected, complicated and lovely, overflowing and abundant, today and every day. Amen.

