
Come alive, O Christ: A Christmas Eve prayer

Come alive, O Christ in every broken place so that love fills every gap, writes Jeremy Wilhelmi.

Photo by Kevin Fitzgerald on Unsplash

Come alive, O Christ,

in the weary parts of our souls,

in the war-torn countries fraught with fear

in the ailing bodies whose prognoses are grim

so that hope bursts out through our despair.


Come alive, O Christ,

in the storms that overwhelm our souls with anxiety

in the homes and neighborhoods hampered with violence

in the eyes of those who blindly hate their neighbor

so that peace calms the reckless rage that bloodies our lands.


Come alive, O Christ,

in the lonely world of selfishness

in the scarred minds of those who think life has no meaning

in the grief of loved ones lost

so that joy rekindles generosity, purpose, and gratitude.


Come alive, O Christ,

in the broken places where reconciliation seems unattainable

in the communities devoid of connection and kinship

in the spaces where neglect, apathy, and abuse harm far too many

so that love, love, love overwhelms all hearts, fills every gap,

and changes the world for good.


Come alive, O Christ,

so that your light may dwell in us and shine forever and ever.


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