A blessing for when to stay or to leave
A prayer for those facing tough decisions by Katy Shevel.
Katy Shevel is the associate pastor for congregational life at Wayne Presbyterian Church, a vibrant congregation in Wayne, Pennsylvania. She also teaches as an adjunct for the Theology Department at Eastern University. In her spare time, Katy enjoys being a dog mom, writing, and stumbling upon a delightful conversation.
A prayer for those facing tough decisions by Katy Shevel.
Ruth stayed. Orpah left. Both were blessed. Choosing the right ending requires courage, faith and grace, writes Katy Shevel.
This prayer by Katy Shevel is for anyone feeling the weight of nostalgia, the ache of loss, or the hope of new beginnings.
Katy Shevel reflects on the challenge and gift of maintaining friendships through adulthood and life's different seasons.
Artificial intelligence reflects our imperfections, but that is not the whole story, writes Katy Shevel.
Katy Shevel's daily ritual of drinking tea provides punctuation and structure to her days — and reminds her that she is held within the broader design of God’s time.
What happens when you are denied forgiveness? Katy Shevel shares her experience and how she is finding a way forward.
After a season of upheaval, Katy Shevel reflects on what it means to reclaim something.
What's the difference between transition and transformation, wonders Katy Shevel?
Katy Shevel briefly explores the historical meaning of Epiphany in the Eastern and Western churches, as well as the use of Star Words in modern Protestant congregations.
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