
A blessing for when to stay or to leave

A prayer for those facing tough decisions by Katy Shevel.

Green watercolor. A prayer for tough decisions.

Blessed are you who are feeling the push and pull.
It is time to stay or go?
To quit or to stick it out?
To walk away or to hold on?

You want to march right into your boss’ office and tell them exactly what you think.
You want go to home and pack up your belongings.
But then you wonder if maybe it’s not so bad.
One more day.
One more month.
One more year.
It could get better. A part of you really believes that.
Maybe you will see how you feel tomorrow.

Blessed are you who are in the throes of such an interior dance.
Some days, your choice seems clear.
Most days, the path forward feels muddled and overwhelming.

Blessed are you who are hurting, who are weary, who are frightened, who have dependents.
Blessed are you who have a support system to lean on.
Blessed are you who feel alone.
Blessed are you who feel unwanted pressures.

May you know that God is with you — whatever you do, whatever you decide.
May you know that God loves you — whatever you do, whatever you decide.
May the Spirit empower you to ask for help when you need it.
You are brave and wise and beloved.

Blessed are you who are facing the choice to stay or leave.

May God walk with you (and carry you if need be) to the other side of this threshold.

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Related content: “Staying, leaving and the blessings of Orpah and Ruth.”

