
Ministers’ Housing Allowances: What’s Ahead and What Should You Do?

 images/stories/richardsonsm.jpgTuesday, Jan 21, 2014     

2 p.m. E.T. (11 a.m. P.T.)

The recent court ruling that ministers’ housing allowances are unconstitutional has stunned ministers, priests, church treasurers and session/vestry/board members.  While it's not clear whether that ruling will hold up under appeal or be implemented in more than one geographic area, the ruling has provoked plenty of  concern about the potential tax impact  for ministers and cost implications for congregations if housing allowances for ministers were to be disallowed. What do clergy and congregations need to be doing now as we await the next steps from the courts?

Engage Discipleship

A Presbyterian Outlook 90-minute webinar presented by Ray Jones

Tuesday, October 1, 2013 at 4 p.m. ET


How is your congregation raising up new disciples? Are you looking for new approaches to ignite and engage your discipleship practices?


The Evangelism Office is becoming more convinced that if churches are making disciples, we will be starting new churches, reaching new people and doing justice in our communities.

