Insights columns Exploring a graduated income tithe Theologian Ronald Sider presents the idea of a “graduated income tithe” in his book, “Rich Christians in an Age of Hunger: Moving..
Insights columns Anti-racism as a spiritual practice One of the things I connect with most in Reformed theology is the understanding of sin not as an individual act, but..
Insights columns Emulating the shepherd boy Across my dining room table, through the beveled glass of the cabinet, a pair a soft eyes greet mine. They are painted..
Insights columns Do the next right thing In a year of surpassing disruption, discord, dishonesty and disease, many good-hearted people have stepped up and done the next right thing...
Insights columns The congregation and public policy Undergirding the well-worn wisdom of “Give folks a fish and nourish them for a day, teach folks to fish and nourish them..
Insights columns Expectation, experiences and solutions There are expectations of the church, divine and earthly. Our human experiences tend to not reconcile with the expectations. Divine or earthly...
Insights columns Reparations by Jess Cook As someone who frequently facilitates trainings and conversations related to the identities of and challenges faced by lesbian, gay,..
Insights columns Disruption can be very hope-filled I do not watch much TV. Yes, even in quarantine. I watched more TV before quarantine began if that is believable; my..
Insights columns We have all lost so much Asian physician Battles virus at clinic Battles hate on street — John Okamoto John Okamoto, a member of Japanese Presbyterian Church is..
Insights columns Betrayal As I was growing up in Richmond, Virginia, my universe largely consisted of the five miles between my private school and my..