Sixth Sunday after the Epiphany — February 16, 2025
Teri McDowell Ott reflects on poetry, self-help and Psalm 1.
Teri McDowell Ott reflects on poetry, self-help and Psalm 1.
In each issue of the Outlook, we include a discussion guide to further reflect on the issue. We recommend using this guide in your Bible study, small group or book club. It's our invitation into a faithful conversation.
In the wake of devastating fires, Los Angeles pastor Christine Chakoian finds herself wondering about baptism.
Moving forward, experts say, private donations and volunteers from local faith groups will be more crucial than ever.
From a misattribution of the story about the boy Jesus in the temple to the gospel of Matthew to his handling of Paul, (Mark) Lilla seems more interested in pique than in substance. — Rev. Dr. Rocky Supinger
Mainline Protestant, including PC(USA), members remain politically conservative.
Mainline Christianity’s role in politics is shifting — can we be a prophetic voice of compassion and critique rather than a court prophet to power, asks Chris Currie?
"The essays on the author’s trips abroad felt as if I, too, gazed west toward the Atlantic, where (Ta-Nehisi) Coates’ ancestors were shipped into enslavement." — Alfred Walker
"Lord, help us be the people your grace thinks we are." — Rebecca Messman
"Each of the 42 stories references themes of belonging, being beloved and delight. Clark frames these stories through this lens, tying them together with the thread of God’s love and delight in humanity." — Jo Wiersema